
Monday, August 25, 2014

Exciting News

So first off I have some super exciting news...

That's right folks.  Come March (maybe even February if the second is anything like Rhett), we will have another little one on our hands.  Not sure if we're just crazy or driven but I think my fear is subsiding and I'm finally getting excited about this news.  It's not that we didn't want another, and not even like we didn't want one this soon, I mean we were totally "trying" when it happened, it's just that wanting something and then that something actually happening are two totally different things.  The news was terrifying to me and completely thrilling for my husband.  But let's face it, he didn't do any of the hard work when it comes to carrying or birthing Rhett.

I would also like to mention that I have completely failed at documenting Rhett's first year and it's thoroughly disappointing to me but there's nothing I can say other than Rhett was not, I repeat NOT an easy baby by anybody's standards and time gets away.  Besides my ultimate priority was to spend time and cuddle my baby boy as much as humanly possible and if that meant not blogging and documenting like I intended, so be it.  Now I'm not sure what I think is going to change between me being pregnant or having a second little one to spend every waking minute with but my goal is to blog more.  I enjoy having my memories somewhere to revisit and also venting when needed so I'd really like to make it happen.

One last thing I thought I might mention is that my baby boy is turing one on Wednesday.  Holding back tears as I type and trying not to think about how fast time has flown.  Rhett has made life so exciting and thrilling and the love you have for your child is something that I cannot even begin to describe so I won't.  He is so fun and full of energy and I can't wait to watch him grown and turn into the little boy he's already becoming.  Loving being his mommy!

Monday, February 10, 2014

February Playdate

So my favorite part of meeting new mommies is getting together with them and letting our babes hang out.  I have met some really nice people and am so glad I have.  It's so nice to bounce ideas off of each other and see what all of their littles are up to.  Today we had our February playdate and here are some snapshots I got of the occasion.

The girls playing together.

Sophia borrowing Rhett's horse.

Rhett and Ella....they're going to be set up when they're older :)

Isn't she the sweetest??

Ella and Rhett...the two littlest.

Daniel...having so much fun in Rhett's jumper.

Cheese Sophia!

The babes had fun and so did their mommies.  I can't wait for March's playdate.  I always love seeing these babe grow and change and their mommies are just the sweetest!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Our Boy is Growing

So I know I said I was going to keep up with this blog this new year but again I fail to realize how sleep deprived I remain and busy with baby.  I really want to keep up with it because I want to document our life as 3 and baby boy's growth and development.  So we will start with and update on Rhett.

Rhett James is now 5 months old!!!  Can you believe it?!?  So crazy how time flies.  Some things have changed since he turned 4 months and I am excited about all of the changes.

Sleep: Rhett is still only sleeping 1 1/2 to 2 hours at night.  For whatever reason he has seemed to go backwards with this whole sleep thing more than anything.  I don't mind waking up and nursing him it's just tough on the nights when he's cranky and isn't easy to nurse and wants to be help on night.  Those nights are getting fewer and fewer....until he gets sick and then all hell breaks loose at night.

Eating: Rhett is still solely breastfed and I am very proud of that because there have been many times when I didn't think we would make it this far.  Now there are days I think we will make it to one year (possibly with some assistance from formula), and other days I think about giving up right then and there.  The really only tough part setting us back is pumping at work.  Other than that we're pretty good at it now!  We've started giving him rice cereal with a spoon recently but I will update on that when and if we decide to keep doing it.

Likes: Rhett loves his hands now!!!  You cannot keep this kid from putting his hands in his mouth.  Whenever we're trying to dress him or take his clothes off, his hands go straight to his mouth which makes it impossible to put anything on or take anything off.  It's really cute thought so I don't mind. He also likes his toys (insert sigh of relief).  My boy used to be hard to entertain due to his lack of enthusiasm for anything other than football.  So now he's enjoying toys and we're enjoying shoving them in his face aka playing with him.

Dislikes:  This kid has taken a strong dislike to his carseat nowadays.  I don't think it's really the carseat but the act of getting strapped in and oddly enough getting unstrapped.  He is going to be a strong willed little man with a lot to say about what he likes or doesn't.  I say this because when he gets upset he arches his back and screams....yes already.  He is going to be that kid in the grocery store that throws himself on the floor screaming while everyone stares at me and thinks to themselves "What has that lady done to that poor adorable child??"  Hey we all have done it...pre our own child having this exact moment. 

Highs:  Rhett rolled over from his tummy to his back January first and I was thrilled.  I was jumping up and down so excited and he was clearly entertained by this but I know in the back of his head he's thinking, "You crazy lady what is so exciting."  (Isn't it fun to insert what you think your baby is thinking into thought bubbles...My husband and I have way too much fun doing this.)  He also started laughing out loud.  Before he would just open his mouth real wide and nothing would come out.  He still does that, but now when something is super funny to him this wonderful, joyful sound comes out.  It's awesome.  My favorite sound in the whole wide world!

Lows: My husband got sick and then Rhett got sick and then I got sick and now my husband has it again and Rhett is congested again.  It's the saddest thing when your baby is sick and there is nothing you can do about it except hold them all night long and hope that is the magic medicine.

We are having so much fun watching him grow and change.  I love every minute of being his mommy and I can't wait to come home to him every day.  I desperately wish I didn't have to leave him.

Happy 5 months baby boy!  Mommy and Daddy love you!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year, Fresh Start

Happy New Year!  It's been a long time since I've written anything but being a new mommy and having a, well let's just say not an easy baby, has been a lot more work than I ever thought it would be. (That statement is not be taken as I thought it would be easy in any way at all.)  Finding the time during the day to sit down by myself and write even one sentence has been more than difficult.  Plus any extra time I had was usually spent doing laundry, cleaning, or doing something that is so precious to me now, sleeping.

Because it's a new year I would like to start fresh with this blog.  I want to be better about posting at the very least weekly (I'm shooting for something more like every other day).  And since it's a new year I should recap last year, or at least the last 4 months which have been the most important for us!

Rhett is now 4 months old....CRAZY!  Time has seriously flown by!  I have returned to work, reluctantly, and wish every day that I was home with my little man!  I feel like I half-ass everything I do job, being a mommy, being a's hard to find the balance.

Here are some fun photos to recap the last 4 months:
Was given the most amazing gift ever!

Love him to pieces!

Went to a pumpkin patch

Had a fun Halloween!

Rhett turned 2 months and started smiling and making noises

Saw great grandpa and great grandma Eaton

Had dinner with my best friend

Went to Rhett's first hockey game

Had a yummy family filled Thanksgiving

Got the cutest, biggest smile out of our little man

Rhett turned 3 months and started holding his head up and eating his hands

Got family pictures done

Best present ever!

Went and saw Christmas lights

Saw Santa and sat on his lap at our Family's Christmas Eve get together

Matching PJs for all of the cousins, you can't see it but they all have their names embroidered on them

Had the best Christmas where Rhett was spoiled to pieces

He got a wagon from his Auntie Koko

Rhett turned 4 months and started holding his toys, loving his Bumbo, and drooling like crazy!

Rhett had his first trip to the beach where he was looking like a stud

And he smiled like crazy for daddy!

In two days it's back to work and real life.  Oh how I wish I could stay home with my baby all day every day!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend was great!  My hubby had a four day weekend so I was excited for this weekend for a while.  Since he had a long weekend we decided to take advantage of it and planned a trip up to my family's cabin in the mountains.  We left Friday morning and came back Monday afternoon.  It was AMAZING!!!

Now get ready for picture overload...
All snuggled up for the cold.

This new hat and mittens just killed me.  I couldn't stop snapping pictures and laughing.  He looks so pissed and so cute all at once!

"Mom what the hell are you doing to me?"

Then he fell asleep because he's all cozy and warm.  By the way we were in the little village walking around to all the shops and it started really cooling off so I bundled him big time!

I had to get a picture in his mountain moose pajamas!

Our friends came with us and their little girl was fascinated by Rhett.

She never liked pacifiers but she wanted his!

All stretched out in moose PJs.

And then a moose onsie!

Tried to get good pictures but it was a little chilly and I didn't want him outside for too long.

Especially without a hat!

Rhett and daddy, Rhett in his bear PJs that daddy admitted were his favorite on him.

Rhett was also fascinated by the sun and trees and sky, so no looking at the camera.

Getting ready to leave and I just thought he looked like such a big boy in this picture.  Makes me sad to see him grow so fast.

Best weekend! Can't wait for next weekend!